Learning a new language requires
understanding its culture in order to speed up in-depth learning.
Aims 目的
Enhance students' Spanish language skills, inspire creativity and self-expression, build confidence in speaking, and encourage family involvement while making the experience enjoyable and engaging for everyone.
Students aged 5 to 15 from Spanishsays
本校 5 至 15 歲的學生
Format 比賽形式
Complete and video record a speaking performance
Children Junior -Basic beginner level小童入門組 (Age 6-9)
Children Junior -Basic upper level小童基礎組 (Age 6-9)
Children Senior -Basic beginner level 中童入門組 (Age 9-13)
Children Senior -Basic upper level 中童基礎組 (Age 9-13)
Rules 規則
Content: Participants must write a letter to Santa in Spanish and share their wishes and holiday spirit.
Video Submission: Participants must record themselves reading their letter aloud in a video format. The video must be horizontal and should clearly show the participant's upper body and face.
Creativity: Participants are encouraged to enhance their presentation with drawings, decorations, or props related to their letter. The emphasis should be on their verbal expression and enthusiasm.
No Editing or Special Effects: The video must be a single-shot footage without any editing, special effects, mixing, or post-production modifications.
Video Specifications: The resolution of the video should be 720p or 1080p, and the video format should be MP4.
Simple Indoor Background: The storytelling session should take place indoors with a simple background. Virtual or projected backgrounds are not permitted.
Please send the video to Spanishsays WhatsApp.
Judging Criteria 評分標準
70% : (pronunciation咬字發音 , fluency 流暢度, use of vocabulary 用詞, tone and originality音調和獨創性)
+ -
30% (Facebook Likes 專頁原影片讚好) :
All videos at the same level will be uploaded to the official Facebook page on the same day
所有同一級別的影片將於同一日上載至官方FB 專頁
Fill the application Google Form
Finish the speech video record
Submit video via Whatsapp (90441074) to us
在Google Form完成報名
把完成影片經Whatsapp (90441074) 發送給我們
Each group has one Champion, 1st and 2nd Runner-up, they will be awarded certificate and coupons respectively (Champion $200, 1st runner-up $150, 2nd runner-up $100).
Excellence and Merit have no limitations
每組設冠軍、亞軍及季軍各一名,得獎者獲頒獎狀及禮券(冠軍$200、亞 軍$150、季軍$100)。
Important Dates 重要日期
Submission deadline 截止報名: 20th December 2024 (before 6p.m.)
Video upload date 影片上載日期:24-25th December 2024
Facebook likes on video 截止影片讚好: 6th January 2025 (before 6p.m.)
Result announcement 公佈結果:16th January 2025
Terms and Conditions條款和協議
All submitted art pieces are possessions to Spanishsays. Spanishsays reserves the rights to use including but not limited to exhibitive and promotional purposes.
All judgments of referees based on their expertise and experience are trusted and respected. The referees are reserve the final decision on all matters and participants shall not object to it.
Spanishsays reserves the right to amend any item herein and interpret any rule of the contest without further notice.
In case of any dispute, Spanishsays reserves the right of final decision.
評判根據其專業及經驗而作出判斷, 評判會保留最終決定權且參賽者不得異議。
如有任何爭議, Spanishsays將保留最終決定權。