Lily GU
My daughter was struggling in her listening and speaking skills and therefore she was afraid of learning Spanish. Thanks to Spanishsays and Ms Stefany, who encourages students to interact and speak with peers alike in Spanish. Now my daughter is more fluent in Spanish and the classes always made her happy and feel confident
I believe that Spanishsays online classes and their continued encouragement and persistence play an important role in this improvement!
Anthony CHAN
我的小朋友今年四歲,已經在Spanishsays 學習西班牙文接近5個月。當初擔心他年紀尚幼,不適應線上學習,但是看見他每次上堂,不但能夠記得上一堂的學習詞彙,更加大膽地用西班牙文回答老師問題。這讓我們十分驚喜,小孩的學習能力如此強,還要多謝老師Ms Yuritzy 的教學方式生動有趣,令到我小朋友學得十分開心!